Games Can Help Kids Who Struggle With Math


Kids who struggle with math may find it very discouraging to sit down to another math worksheet or exercise. Watching the discouragement can be very troubling for even parents or teachers who are trying to help. Math practice does not always have to be on paper. In fact, playing math games is a very good way to teach math skills to kids who are struggling.

Math games are quite different from the math worksheets a teacher uses in the classroom. In math games, Kids try to win by choosing strategies as they move through the game. Math games can support a child’s individual needs in math.

There are different types of math games, ranging from board games, card games, computer games, video games to apps that provide math practice. No matter the game type, a good math game requires kids to problem-solve and make mathematical decisions. For games that have two or more players, those decisions have to take into consideration the moves other players make too.
The most effective math games:
* Are challenging
* Have rules and structure
* Include a clear ending point and
* Focus on specific math skills.

Math games are great because they don’t judge, criticize, leave red pen marks or give grades.


Kids find math games to be a much more than a pleasurable change from pencil and paper work. They benefit from it too. The games are designed to be fun. When playing them, kids may be less likely to worry about failing or making mistakes. That alone can reduce math anxiety and help a child develop a more positive attitude toward math.
Other benefits of math games:
* Kids can discover practical, real-life   ways to apply math skills.
* Kids who have different levels of skills and ways of thinking can learn from each other.
* Kids have opportunity to explore math in formats they are comfortable with asides worksheets (such as on board games or mobile devices).
* Kids can test new strategies and ideas without feeling the pressure of being graded.
* Playing math games with kids can also help the adult get a better idea of a child’s strengths and weaknesses without a formal assessment.

Types of Math Games

Math games vary in types, focusing on different skills. Once you know what skills a child needs to develop, you can pick games that help build such skills in that child.

* Some games help kids test counting, addition, subtraction, and multiplication math skills. Games like Math Connect, Multi-quad and Brain Math would fit into this category.
* Spatial strategy games ask kids to come up with ways to move pieces in order to block or capture other pieces. This includes games like Chess, Checkers and Connect Four.
* Numerical strategy games involve using number sense to win a game. This includes games like card games, such as Math Deck. Brain math and Math connect also fit in here.
* Resource-management games, such as Monopoly ask kids to think about how much money or resources (such as property) they have and how they can use them to get to a goal.
* Matching games ask kids to keep track of where they saw patterns, colours or items. Clack, Pattern match and match it games go here.
If you want to get yourself set to play math games with your child or students, it’s not that hard to get started. You can begin slowly with games you already have and know. You may also be interested in some of our games for skill-building. We have a variety of board games, card games, and tile games for preschoolers, Nursery and elementary pupils. You can check them out in our product gallery. Have fun!

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